A place

for everyone.

​Our chief reason for existing is to "Glorify God" and "Exalt Jesus Christ" (I Corinthians 10:31).
​We can glorify God by personally growing in Him and by investing in others. At Bible Baptist Church, we have opportunities for every age group to be involved and to serve - from Sunday School to music to missions.

Bible Baptist Church is home to:

American Heritage Girls Troop SC 0516
Trail Life Boys Troop SC 1730

Nursery | 0-3 years

We are committed to helping care for little ones during our services. Our nurseries offer a safe, clean, and welcoming place for your child to enjoy while you attend the worship time. All nursery workers are volunteers and members of Bible Baptist Church and have gone through a routine background check.

Teen Ministries | 7th-12th

Teens enjoy a time of fellowship and growing in God's Word during Sunday School. Youth Group leaders challenge the teens as they study and discuss the Bible together, but also encourage them in their own individual Bible study and growth throughout the week. Lessons are age-appropriate and practical, focusing on God's Word and its relevance to today. Teens are encouraged to participate in the regular church service during the worship service time. Throughout the year, the youth group gathers for various activities, fellowships, and times of ministry.

Adult Ministries

Adults (including college-aged adults) meet together during the Sunday School times. Whether studying a book of the Bible or focusing on a topical study, this time is focused on helping believers mature in their walk with Christ and see life and the world around us Biblically. Throughout the year, a variety of activities and events are held to provide additional opportunities for fellowship - from ladies' craft nights to men's prayer breakfasts and more.

Music Ministry

Throughout Scripture we find repeated references to serving the Lord with music, and at Bible Baptist Church, we do just that! From orchestra to special music to children's choir and more, there are many opportunities for members of Bible Baptist Church to use their musical talents to serve the Lord.


Bible Baptist Church wholeheartedly supports missions around the world.  As a church, we financially and prayerfully support approximately 15 missionary families annually.  We actively communicate with our missionaries, seek to meet their needs and share in their burdens, and pray for them by name.  Each Sunday morning we share a recent letter and pictures from one of our missions and then take time to pray for them and their needs.

Edifying One Another

Whether visiting a shut-in, making a hospital visit, sharing coffee and Bible study, or enjoying a church fellowship, the church family at Bible Baptist Church cares for one another and enjoys being together. Various fellowships, activities, meals, and events are held throughout the year and provide wonderful opportunities for fellowship and encouragement.

Children's Ministries | K4-6th

During the Sunday School time, children enjoy singing, participating in various Bible-themed activities, and learning from God's Word. Our experienced Sunday School teachers have a heart for children and share stories and truths from God's Word in an age-appropriate way. During the worship service time, children K4 through 5th grade are invited to attend Children's Church, where they worship and learn about God in a time that is geared towards them. This time includes singing, a Bible lesson, and various games.
